welcome to hell on earth <3
if youre here its because you have just born witness to some freak shit i wrote, so youre officially BANNED from judging me actually. i really dont care what you call me since i dont plan to publicize my actual name so honestly any combination of absurd sea creature and canine will do the trick just fine. i have a love-hate relationship with just about every creative craft, and have a take on just about anything i could be asked on. i am unfortunately also That DA Fetish Guy. im super untra autistic about TF like genuinely if you ever talk to me about it i will love you forever and ever. IM SO SERIOUS.
using twitter until the bitter end.
ive been getting back into writing, but unfortunately im trapped in the torture chamber (anxiety, a chronic inability to finish my works, hyperfix hopping). if youre reading this it also means i have happened to escape said torture chamber so good for me!!! im just glad i know how to use neocities and basic html so i can host my art eternally. if i see another artist host their images on social media or never update their broken discord image links i will genuinely flip my lid. if you ever want help designing/setting up a site of your own my dms are always open. or if you want to passionately debate me. or make out idc. i also do gamedev on occasion so prepare for suitably lame posts about that.